Tag Archives: tax returns

VAT returns for 2012

Just a quick note to remind you all that your VAT returns for the last period of 2012 are due on the 19th of January. This goes for whether you file quarterly, bi-monthly or annually, they all fall due on the 19th if you file electronically

Beating the Banks

I do my best to help you with your money concerns, and that is why this week I want to teach you how to ‘beat the bank’, it’s time to turn their tricks back against them Firstly, look at the way the banks hit you for your cash.

News of the World: Taxing times, all about the Revenue Commissioners.

The headline this week is from the famous quote that ‘the only sure things in life are death and taxes’. We have looked at death in the past from the perspective of Life Assurance, this week it’s about taxes – and more importantly, what to do if you can’t pay them or if you are not sure about your taxes. The good news is that the Revenue Commissioners in Ireland are a fairly effective bunch and the people there are well briefed and effective (this is no surprise as their duty is to make sure everybody pays up!). Revenue are well aware of the state of the economy, and that business

News of the World: Life Assurance

We did a piece about life assurance for the Irish News of the World on the 30th of January.

The main thrust of the piece was to impress upon readers that life assurance is either not important, or very important indeed depending on your circumstances and family life. The other question is about how much you need – for that we advise using a professional who can work this out for you, we also disclosed how to get the ‘under the table’ prices by using a broker.

Tax Refunds for PAYE workers

You can claim back taxes from for up to 4yrs previous. PAYE tax refunds must be completed by 31st December