Tag Archives: financial advice

Sunday Independent: How much is your tracker worth to the bank?

“Getting rid of debt is a good idea, and the new Permanent TSB bonus scheme puts a sweetener on it,” said Karl Deeter, head of customer advice with the financial advisers, advisors.ie. “If you don’t have a rainy-day fund, this is not for you. If you have debt elsewhere that is at a higher interest rate, it is a bad idea.”

Sunday Independent: How much to give up your tracker?

You’ve a 25-year tracker mortgage of €250,000. If switching from your tracker rate of 2.25 per cent to the standard variable mortgage of 4.19 per cent, you would need a €47,000 payoff to break even, according to Karl Deeter, head of customer advice with advisors.ie. You would have to use this €47,000 to reduce the amount you are borrowing — so instead of borrowing €250,000, you borrow €203,000.

Independent: Tax relief for ‘boom buyers’ delayed

THE Government is to delay the implementation of an election promise to give up to €166 extra a month to those who bought houses during the boom. The move to help the “negative equity generation” will not now be in place until the end of the year at the earliest, the Irish Independent has learned.

TV3 News: Coverage of ECB Rate increase

TV3 piece by Brian O’Donovan on the ECB rate increase: featuring Irish Mortgage Brokers and commentary was regarding the effect that the rate increase would have on households with mortgages

Sunday Business Post: Opinion piece by Advisors.ie on Mortgages

We had an opinion piece in the Sunday Business post this week on mortgages, the full version is in this posting, or you can get it on the Sunday Business Post website in the ‘news’ section.

Sunday Independent: Add Greenspan to the lawsuit

I asked Karl Deeter, operations manager with Irish Mortgage Brokers, what he thought of the IPC’s idea and he said: “It’s about time somebody called out the State on this bullshit. So far they’ve made every pathetic attempt possible to evade responsibility [for the financial crisis].

Sunday Business Post: More haste, less speed in the mortgage crisis

Figures compiled by Karl Deeter at Irish Mortgage Brokers showed that the size of the average first-time buyer mortgage peaked in the first quarter of 2008, at €251,000.

Sunday Business Post: Fears lenders will up ECB rate hikes

Karl Deeter, of Irish Mortgage Brokers, also expects banks to increase standard variable rates by more than the ECB hikes rates. He said it was likely that banks would raise rates ‘‘irrespective of what the ECB do’’, given the gap between the cost of funds that banks face and lending rates.

What kind of accountant do you want?

Do you want a person who can merely do up your books and has the credentials to stand over the final figures? If so then Advisors.ie is perhaps a solution for you.

If you’d rather have a person who can look at your business, do you books, finalize figures and perform an audit where necessary then we are likely the solution for you.

But if you want an accountant in Dublin who can do all of that and also figure out ways to cut your costs, reduce your tax bills and use the best methods for ensuring that you stay in business and don’t pay more tax then necessary, while also being able to advise you personally on your finances and also shop around on your behalf for cheaper solutions for the financial products and services you use then we are definitely the people you are looking for!

State mortgage aid up five-fold in four years

Karl Deeter of Irish Mortgage Brokers has warned that expected interest rate hikes this year will push even more householders to the edge. “I can’t see how they (number of applicants) won’t rise because it’s becoming more popular and more necessary,” he said. “The scheme is in place to help you get over the hump, in the hope that you’ll get back to work soon. “But the end result is that there will be more people on it come the end of the year as interest rates go up and unemployment rises.”